Saturday, 16 July 2011

A Car Journey of Biblical Proportions

Hello  Blogland, haven't posted in a while but soh well, blogging from Minehead today which is near Wales (I can see it from the beach) and it took 6(ish) hours to drive down here with the beautiful Sarah. On the car journey we drew you all some lovely pictures. The favourite was the first one.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Fanart Friday, Alice in Wonderland

Eeeeeeh! I missed Wednesday AND Thursday, oops. I shall make it up to you, my dear blog, by  posting three pictures today, lucky you. If I'm honest I was feeling very un-corey like on Wednesday and the feeling lingered well into yesterday but oh well.

I offer unto some Alice in Wonderland fan-art, from a page of doodles that were themed around choices Alice makes a choice between her shrinking 'drink me' potions and the 'eat me' cake which make her grow, there's probably some underlying metaphor of mood-stabilizers when it comes to those items, making you feel less and 'small' (the potions) and making you feel more confidence (the cake). ANALYSIS!
Originally a pencil sketch and then outlined with multi-liners before being very quickly coloured over in Photoshop.

I shall also add another Alice drawing;
Which was done entirely in ink, on some paper that was not the normal kind of paper I use and therefore wasn't as nice to use, thus fulfilling 2 of 3 pictures I'll post today,

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Messy Pieces

Hooo-eeeeeh! It'ss been a long day, only got like 4 hours of sleep because Sophie (mentioned elsewhere) has been invading my privacy all day, so I give you MORE OLD WORK (I've started new stuff to have back-up when I run out of old stuff) And one of the very few instances I have drawn a guy (they're not as pretty as girls I'm afraid)

Monday, 4 July 2011

A very late Music Monday: Lady Gaga

Well we are brought around to the second ever Music Monday and I won't lie, I completely forgot about it until right now, and therefore do not have time to create something new, so I'm gonna post something that is old (almost a whole year old infact) and here she is;
   As it's not a very good picture I shall point out that it is indeed Lady Gaga, in a white bear fur type outfit that (I think) is in the Bad Romance although I do believe the ribbon and pad-lock were my own addition. Although I do feel like adding that I honestly don't care for the Born This Way album, it was supposed to be this HUGE event, the next level of pop-music, instead we were given 80's ballads better suited to Madonna or Kylie and Gaga's really lost her subtlety somewhere between the Fame Monster and BTW ramble over.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sunday Comics

Man these things are difficult to read, I should probably clean them up in photoshop or something, oh well.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Saturday Night

And I've finally stopped playkng Alice: Madness Returns, which is a truly beautiful if difficult game, although I don't think it's supposed to be difficult but I struggle defeating the larger blob enemies czuse my Pepper Grinder keeps over heating, short post today as I'm hungry :)

Friday, 1 July 2011

Fan-Art Friday; Sucker Punch!

Hoorah for the 2nd Fan-Art Friday! This week I bring you DIGITAL fan-art (gasp, gasp, muttered whisper) and it is Babydoll, from the beautiful film Sucker Punch! (Or if you are Austrian 'Sookah Pah-nch!')

All in all I love the film, even if the plot was a little confusing at the end (and isn't cleared up in the extended version) it was all around beautiful. I drew Babydoll as she's the most recognizable characted but I was going to do Sweet Pea as her bad-assery is the bad-assiest.