Sunday, 27 November 2011

Hooty Hoot, Owls!

Because I seem unable to ever actually do any form of homework, I started making owls;

They're for my little sister because I'm nice (and would never allow such poorly made things to belong to myself)

Also I made a sock bunny.

I'm quite a crafty bugger when it comes down to it. Needles and threads are an easy mistress to please.
Also I have infact done some college work this week (personally I feel that having produced 80 pages of work over 12 weeks is more than enough but APPARENTLY NOT!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Witty Post Title

I fail to see why I keep trying digital stuff but whatevs bro.
I've decided I don't like the way the line work looks, I need a reyt* good brush or sly way of inking in photoshop cause there's not enough friction on my tablet for my taste. Anyway here it is, my DCUO character.

Now, I don't play games as often as I'd like to because;
A) I like to pretend I don't have time and
B) My money is better spent on comics and shoes.

BUT, DC Universe Online recently decided it would be free, and so I quickly downloaded it (and it took  like 30 hours) and am now really into it, I made like 4 heroes before I ended up with one I liked using, a Gadget powered Gal in the Tech field who uses a pole, her name however sucks: Rockette. 
But I used my good names on the previous 3 heroes who sucked.

Anyway, great game, highly recommended.


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Thought Bubble (Leeds Sequential Art Festival)

EEP! Utter utter Eep!

Okay so, today Me and the lovely Sarah journeyed to the far off land of Leeds in order to go to the Leeds Though Bubble, which I like to think of as a Northern Comic-con type ordeal. It was LOVELY!

I will begin from when I woke up, LATE and with very little time to sort all my stuff out this morning (insomnia) so, when I caught the train, just on time, I discovered I'd forgotten my camera at home (balls!) and my iPod (double balls!) so I decided I'd just have to get photos on my phone and as soon as this thought entered my brain, my phone ran out of battery! (Super-Balls!)

ANyway, I got to Leeds okay and met up with Sarah and off we flew, to The Royal Armories/ Savile Hall when the whole shebang was going down. Now I will admit, I'd never heard of Though Bubble until one of my stalkees John Allison posted somewhere that he was going to be a resident. SO, I sought him out first and my reaction was a little like...


Now here are three things I learnt about him
1. He looks younger than he is, he's not like ancient but he looks like he's in his 20's, witchcraft.
2. He's really nice, he signed and drew in both of the Bad Machinery books I bought.
3. He sells his stuff for a bargain, 2 books, a sticker and a magnet for £15, though I'm sure they should have cost £18 (by my amazing maths thats a  16& discount (wrong))

So yes, I bought the 3rd and fourth Bad Machinery books, and they're lovely, he drew in them: 

You can buy some of his stuff here! It will prevent him from starving.

After leaving John Allison's (always the hole name) table, and venturing into another building, I was shocked when I saw familiar bunny/lobster crossbreeds and it turned out that anothe victim of my online stalking Emma Evans, a.k.a T-EE was there! And I nearly died! She was under her table when I got there for some reason, but she quickly emerged and I bought a hard copy of her short comic Terry, I'm proud to say that I was the first to buy it. EEEEP!

And then I ran out of money... I was ill-prepared for so many lovely things, in particular this, which I will just have to order online. T-EE makes some really amazing pieces, and she's quite a crafty artist and makes lots of plush animals (I've personally bought an Owl which was a gift for a friend and my own Lobby!) 

There were other amazing people there, whom I did not buy from, namely Gail Simone, who is one of my favorite comic writers and responsible for me getting into mainstream comics but I had NO clue she'd be there and I would have taken one of my Batgirl or Birds of Prey books had I known, Argh! 
Anyway, I'm gonna go take some pills to calm down from all the excitement. Eeeeep!

WAIT! I FORGOT! I also bought this! 
AMY POND! Amy Pond painted onto an old vinyl disc, awesome.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


I am immensely ashamed to say that the above piece is on eighth of my first year final piece from back in May.
Now let me at least point out that an art exam for A-Level is basically 8 (or was it 6?) hours of working on one piece which wouldn't be too bad except that mine consisted of 8 2 part pictures which formed a story, basically I had 8 hours to paint 6 pictures, which sucked and I regret it deeply. As you can see the pictures are of a rather naff (northern for shit) quality.

Instead I will tell you the tale; Our heroine (no name, the piece is silent) grieves the loss of her dead girlfriend only to come face to face with Death (a lovely business woman who will make a reappearance in my up coming comic (which is totally being written NOW)).
Death offers our heroine a deal, overcome a trial in exchange for her girlfriends return, agreeing to the challenge our Heroine is swallowed up by the Earth (people often fall down holes in my stories, thank Vera Brosgol for that) and bests the nasties in the underworld with her umbrella and frees Girlfriend from her prison and they then use the umbrella to fly out of Hell.
Obviously this was an epic tale, filled with twists and turns and romancing lesbians. :) You can see a better picture of our Heroine, here.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Corey used a Phoenix Down, nerd.

Well, I just published a post from my iPod and it seems to have vanished into the ether of the internet, a mysterious land populated with emails that never reached their target, IM messages deleted before you hit enter and those proverbial 'lost texts' which you claim to have sent but everyone secretly knows you didn't.

I'm swamped with coursework at the moment to the point where I no longer seem to think I need sleep, three days and counting, I'm like a zombie basically, but less glamorous and with a more ferocious appetite for human brains. Anyway coursework means I've had very little time t do any personal work, and what I have been drawing has been turning out really awful, which of course put me in worse moods than I usually am, and I'm pretty damn grumpy. So I'm gonna fish something from the depths of my hard-drive to show you... are you ready?...

Marvel in it's awfulness, according to its properties, I drew this in May. Meaning I have no idea what inspired it or why I drew it. So I invite you to come up with you own theories as to why I drew Mr.Zombie.

Anyway, I would like to say that I AM currently working on my first ongoing comic, I have all the ideas planned out, the only thing to do now is put it down on paper (once I've decided how I'll ink the bugger, I hate inking anything)