Saturday, 16 June 2012

Cocktail Girls: Purple Haze

I am determined that I will get all of these done, damnit.

s Cocktail Girl; Th Purple Haze:

Once again I do not like this drawing, mainly because I hate colouring. THE WORLD IS BLACK AND WHITE PEOPLE!

But I do however like purple haze's they are delicious and purple.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Cocktail Girls: Black Russian

Today's Cocktail Girl is the Black Russian:

I do not like Black Russians because of the coffee tasting nastiness that it is, but its a relatively popular drink none the less.

Also not as keen on this drawing as I am the Green Devil but hey, I can't win them all.

Next Might be the Clockwork Orange if I can remember what's in it.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Cocktail Girls:- £3.40

So yeah... this is my first post in nearly 2 months, I am a dedicated and hard-working blogger its true.

Moving on, Cocktail Girls:

I am now a working girl, I work in a local bar and its fun and stuff. It provides me with enough money to fuel my budding alcohol addiction which is lovely :)

So anyway, we have like a list of cocktails for £3.40 each and ones called the Green Devil (not my favourite)
and so I drew it as a Green Devil Girl, OH HOW MY MIND WORKS

Done in Sketchbook Pro.