Monday, 1 October 2012

Postoberfest Year 2

So last year I made a very VERY half assed attempt at posting everyday of October, why? Because I am mental.

SO I am not doing that this year, screw it, but I'm gonna try and post a few times a week to get back in the habit ) September was quiet)

I started Uni like a week or two ago, its pretty amazing. Good flatmates, good course, lots and lots of booze. And for the first day of like, lessons we had to do a self portrait type thing that said something about who we are.  Which of course, meant I panicked about it and made this the night before it was due. That is true discipline right there. Its really just me doodling (it is also my new theme)

Friday, 31 August 2012

5 Comic Ladies I Like Reading: Terra

Oooh, tis the last day of August so I may as well post SOMETHING, and that something is this,

A countdown of my 5 New 52 favourite ladies, I made a haphazard attempt to do my top 10 favourite comic ladies of all time months and months ago and only managed the first entry with Power Girl who may or may not be in this list. 

Moving on, our first favourite Lady of the new 52 is... 

Terra! (yay!)

Now, as a child I'd never heard of the Geokinetic-Teen Wonder that was Terra until I began watching Teen Titan on Cartoon Network where she looked like...

And I LOVED her! But of course she turned evil and then got turned into stone and was never heard from again which, when I began to actually read comics a couple of years back and discovered a similar thing had occurred to her comic counter part I was a little heart-broken, not because she was no longer in universe, but that she's been created solely for the purpose of betraying the Titans and was such a waste of a character.

Then I began to read the Power Girl books and a new Terra showed up looking like...

Some subterranian ambassador to Earth, who had the same abilities but was not evil and decided she would be Power Girl's side-kick (for whatever reason) and I never really took to her, she wasn't as blonde or badass as the Terra I'd known as a kid.

Then came the reboot, with a new set of Teen Titans with their own spin-off; Ravagers.
Where the original Terra showed up looking like this:

Which is ther version I have drawn above, I have high hopes for her this time around!
If they can shove Lois Lane out of the way in favour of Superman pairing up with Wonder Woman then they can make Terra not evil.

Not evil and ass kicking!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Just a doodle

Because I'm flicking though my doodle folder and some of them have colour

Monday, 20 August 2012

Graphic Design Piece

So for whatever reason I had not yet uploaded his stuff on here, which is weird because I usually
upload my final pieces from college, or I did that one time last year.

So after re-reading the narrative portion of my final piece, I decided it was a load of poop.
So you can look at the pictures, yay.

This was the inner title in the booky-wook I made
and interiors...

SO basically, it follows the character of the Hunter Daughter, whose job is to clear the Dark Wood of any ghouls and goblins that may decide to move in.

It's odd in that i don't 100% hate it, it's all mixed media, the tree's were all done in water colour pencils and scanned in for placing, and all the characters were drawn traditionally and digitally coloured and lastly all the floors, rocks and the fire in the third panel were digitally done, though I have since forgotten how to shade entirely.

Bonus; individual pages that in theory you can click on and enlarge to get a good gander at: 

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Photo Finish

Photo Finish is best Pony.

I mean she was good on the show but then I saw this:

And now I love her even more! Vhy is she so good!??!?

Also, she's getting her own blind-bag minifigure, which are hella hard to find here in the UK and I nearly managed to get one on eBay and then BAM! As the bidding rolls to a finish I COULDN'T BID!
Because I was playing Bingo and they block your coverage!

Heart Broken.

Picture perfect ponayyyyy, picture perfect pony, pony, pony, pony.

Oh and by the way, I got into uni, but Photo Finish is more important.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Cocktail Girls; Revisited

Hey! Remember those Cocktail Girls I drew like months ago?
No? Well click here, here or here to remind yourselves. Forgetful fillies!

Well anyway moving on, I quite clearly abandoned the series, why? One cannot remember but I was flicking through my rather extensive sketches folder and found...


I am pretty sure she is a Clockwork Orange, which I cannot for the life of me remember the recipe for so...
I'm going to guess! Yay!

25ml of Vodka (a good foundation for any cocktail)
25ml of Malibu
25ml of Archer's Peachy Stuff (I prefer this because its nice and smells nice)
then you may top up your glass with fizzy orange and ice.

Delicious, but not many people buy them

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Wonder Woman

I love Wonder Woman, she's no Black Canary but I like what she stands for and I can't grasp as to why, of the 'trinity' she alone seems to be less popular, you would think that a hot battle-goddess whom hails from an island populated solely by other hot battle-goddesses, fighting mythical creatures whilst scantily clad would appeal to most readers but hey. Whatever.

I've given her a teeny bit of a redesign as I believe pants are a tad more practical for fighting monsters than knickers. I also thought this looked hella good when I was drawing it last night at 2am but my woken up eyes see it differently.

Really need to start doing more traditional work, also BONUS SKETCHES!
Really just me trying out different costumes/hair/doodling

Friday, 3 August 2012


THere are few things in this world that are as awesome as My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

And of course I had to make my own pony, or I would just die:

The pony version of me's name is Inkwell.

Motherchuffing, Inkwell.

And here I have magical wings like Rarity gets that one time so I can fly arounf with:

Lauren's Cinnamon Flare, who can be found here.


Sarah's Serotonin, who does not have a website but doeas have awesome science goggles.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Grr and also Argh

So, like, I've been angry quite a lot lately, which is weird because I used to just bounce between depressed and boredom like a space hopper but I've replaced in with anger and being content which is probably just as bad.

I think it's hard to draw an angry image, especially digitally because the amount of refinement that goes in so any anger that goes into a piece is eventually worked out as you calm down whilst working on it. So yeah, ranting.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Ninja GIrl Doodle

More digital work, as I'm more likely to be near my laptop to draw than I am to paper these days.

I find my biggest problem at the moment is that I'm completely useless when it comes from making a jump from rough work to a finished piece, whether working digitally or traditionally, I generally love my quick sketches and then once it comes to trying to refine them it never feels quite right, woe is me. Woe. Woe. Woe.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Another Sci-Fi Girl

Perhaps I shall draw a Sci-Fi Boy soon?

I tried adding a bit of shading this time around, been contemplating doing a short one-shot comic with lovely Sci-Fi Battle Girls as eye candy, but we shall see if the inspiration bug bites me :)

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Random Sci-fi Girl

Oh boy, this blog just can't seem to keep itself updated can it? The lazy dickens.

So err, digitally drawn generic sci-fi battle girl because... I could? I dunno this isn't going to be a long post so you may as well stop reading it right now.


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Cocktail Girls: Purple Haze

I am determined that I will get all of these done, damnit.

s Cocktail Girl; Th Purple Haze:

Once again I do not like this drawing, mainly because I hate colouring. THE WORLD IS BLACK AND WHITE PEOPLE!

But I do however like purple haze's they are delicious and purple.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Cocktail Girls: Black Russian

Today's Cocktail Girl is the Black Russian:

I do not like Black Russians because of the coffee tasting nastiness that it is, but its a relatively popular drink none the less.

Also not as keen on this drawing as I am the Green Devil but hey, I can't win them all.

Next Might be the Clockwork Orange if I can remember what's in it.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Cocktail Girls:- £3.40

So yeah... this is my first post in nearly 2 months, I am a dedicated and hard-working blogger its true.

Moving on, Cocktail Girls:

I am now a working girl, I work in a local bar and its fun and stuff. It provides me with enough money to fuel my budding alcohol addiction which is lovely :)

So anyway, we have like a list of cocktails for £3.40 each and ones called the Green Devil (not my favourite)
and so I drew it as a Green Devil Girl, OH HOW MY MIND WORKS

Done in Sketchbook Pro.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Black Canary!


Of all the things I am nerdy about, Black Canary takes the biscuit.

I can't explain why but the most likely things are probably;

-She's female, female super-heroes beat males everytime.

-She has a superpower but prefers not to use it

-She wears fishnets into battle, like a proper lady.

Totally obsessed with the character and she may be the only one who I make an active effort to read all her exploits of. Quite proud of the drawing over all, only took about an hour and the only thing I dont like is the face, colouring faces is a weakness.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Quick Sketch for Monday

Goodbye March, hello April. March as a particularly good month for my little blog of wonder, the most popular month so far and I would like to keep it up, SO KEEP READING, tell everybody about it, post it through your neighbours letterboxes and tattoo it on your forehead.

Anyway the picture is a drunken reflection everyone will have experienced, the drunken phone call. You're guarenteed to get one whenever a good friend or a particularly bad ex has had a few and you may even make a few yourself. Well I say, no more. It's embarassing for everyone involved and there's nothing worse than checking your phone when your hungover and see your inbox, Ugh

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Earth-2 Huzzah!

I can't wait! Ahh!

So in May, in the wake of DC canceling some of its less succesful titles such as Hawk & Dove (meh) O.M.A.C (I only know what an O.M.A.C is because of Power-Girl) and Static Shock (yawn) although I will miss Blackhawks, DC have announced the 'Second Wave!' of the new 52 which brings with it new titles, 4 of which grab my attention like a burger grabs the attention of a fat person at 50 yards.

Batman Inc. (Batmen around the world? Cassandra Cain please!) The Ravagers (because the new Teen-Titans is great so far) Earth-2 (Justice Society, YAY!) and most importantly, World's Finest, which focuses on Earth-2's Power-Girl and Huntress who are two of my all time favourite comic-ladies.

So once again, I have drawn Power-Girl, I tried to make her a little chunky, because lets face it, now DC have shrunk Amanda Waller and Etta Candy, its significantly lacking in women who aren't stick-thin.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Ghosts In The Bed

So earlier today I was sort of mopey, thinking about nothing in particular and a thought crept into my mind about memories. But not your own memories, sort of like the memories of those you know. How you're not the first person to lie in someone's bed or maybe you're not the first person whose been phoned at three in the morning to calm someone down between drunken sobs.

So I got to thinking about ghosts, the memories of other people who sort of occupy where you are in the mind of someone else and you can't guarantee that when you aren't being compared to the ghosts and you sort of have to accept that the ghosts re there no matter how much it bothers you, and then I got really mopey and did the washing up and hoovered.

End insecure rantings.

Also I'm working on a new layout. Exciting stuff.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

A Comic Page I'm Not Even Remotely Proud Of

I've got to admit I'm a man with a vision, and this isn't it.

So yeah, this was my first attempt to officially start off my own comic and it went horribly wrong, I know exactly why though. Digital Media, man. I cant do it. I have some little mental block that makes me want everything to look neat and tidy just cause I'm working on a computer, had I done this with a brush and ink I might have hated it a little less.

Fear The Birds, is set in a parallel Pendle County (where I live and its famous for Witches) and follows three teens on their super-natural shenanigans. I will continue working on it, I'm not gonna lie though, it'll take a while for me to get e technique I can work with decently. Need to get me some super skinny size 0 brushes and some Bristol Board. And you know, actually keep up with drawing despite never being home would help.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Just a Girl, Floating through Space

New interface... weird.
I know I said I'd update yesterday but, STRESS prevented me. Blame stress.
Moving on:
This is a piece I've sort of made to put in my portfolio (and I've been dying to try it for AGES) it's an old vinyl record that I covered in dark blue acrylics before attaching the image if the girl who was drawn with ink (and love) then there was a whole splatting and general defacing of the piece in order to give it that space type effect, sorta proud of the darker half, less proud of girly and her back-lights.

Here's a close up:

In the mean time, I've got a LOT (and I do mean a lot) of coursework to do over the next couple of days and a mini project themed around journey's for a uni interview which should be interesting, exciting and a little stressful, but I shall pull through because I'm British and that's just what we do.

Saturday, 28 January 2012


Hey there blog-heads, surprised to see me blogging? Me too!
Personally I think the sheer shock might kill me dead.

So, I'm going to justify my extended absence with the good ol' excuse that my laptop decided it would stop working. It has been a traumatic month I must admit, I've been unable to troll Facebook and Twitter without a mobile device, and let me tell you, when you type 1000 words into your iPod you get THE CRAMPS!

(see if you can make it original size, the textures look amazing)

So yeah, it is a little known fact that I take my art lessons in a textiles room and therefore know my way around a sewing machine, it rounds out my domestic goddess persona, cooking, sewing and being capable of abstract thoughts.
Once again, its Sarah, I swear I'm not obsessed, I just love her deeply and from inside her wardrobe.
The piece was done as part of the experimentation portion of my Fine Art Project People & Portraits and also because I genuinley enjoy working with embroidery because the stitching always looks really flow-y and magical. I do believe I coloured it with fabric dyes and a little bleach, difficult because if you want strong colours you have to use alot of dye, which means it's gonna spread like Nutella.

I shall Blog again on Monday (REALLY) as I'm off to do what we Brits do best. Drink.