Friday, 23 March 2012

Ghosts In The Bed

So earlier today I was sort of mopey, thinking about nothing in particular and a thought crept into my mind about memories. But not your own memories, sort of like the memories of those you know. How you're not the first person to lie in someone's bed or maybe you're not the first person whose been phoned at three in the morning to calm someone down between drunken sobs.

So I got to thinking about ghosts, the memories of other people who sort of occupy where you are in the mind of someone else and you can't guarantee that when you aren't being compared to the ghosts and you sort of have to accept that the ghosts re there no matter how much it bothers you, and then I got really mopey and did the washing up and hoovered.

End insecure rantings.

Also I'm working on a new layout. Exciting stuff.

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