Thursday, 29 March 2012

Earth-2 Huzzah!

I can't wait! Ahh!

So in May, in the wake of DC canceling some of its less succesful titles such as Hawk & Dove (meh) O.M.A.C (I only know what an O.M.A.C is because of Power-Girl) and Static Shock (yawn) although I will miss Blackhawks, DC have announced the 'Second Wave!' of the new 52 which brings with it new titles, 4 of which grab my attention like a burger grabs the attention of a fat person at 50 yards.

Batman Inc. (Batmen around the world? Cassandra Cain please!) The Ravagers (because the new Teen-Titans is great so far) Earth-2 (Justice Society, YAY!) and most importantly, World's Finest, which focuses on Earth-2's Power-Girl and Huntress who are two of my all time favourite comic-ladies.

So once again, I have drawn Power-Girl, I tried to make her a little chunky, because lets face it, now DC have shrunk Amanda Waller and Etta Candy, its significantly lacking in women who aren't stick-thin.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Ghosts In The Bed

So earlier today I was sort of mopey, thinking about nothing in particular and a thought crept into my mind about memories. But not your own memories, sort of like the memories of those you know. How you're not the first person to lie in someone's bed or maybe you're not the first person whose been phoned at three in the morning to calm someone down between drunken sobs.

So I got to thinking about ghosts, the memories of other people who sort of occupy where you are in the mind of someone else and you can't guarantee that when you aren't being compared to the ghosts and you sort of have to accept that the ghosts re there no matter how much it bothers you, and then I got really mopey and did the washing up and hoovered.

End insecure rantings.

Also I'm working on a new layout. Exciting stuff.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

A Comic Page I'm Not Even Remotely Proud Of

I've got to admit I'm a man with a vision, and this isn't it.

So yeah, this was my first attempt to officially start off my own comic and it went horribly wrong, I know exactly why though. Digital Media, man. I cant do it. I have some little mental block that makes me want everything to look neat and tidy just cause I'm working on a computer, had I done this with a brush and ink I might have hated it a little less.

Fear The Birds, is set in a parallel Pendle County (where I live and its famous for Witches) and follows three teens on their super-natural shenanigans. I will continue working on it, I'm not gonna lie though, it'll take a while for me to get e technique I can work with decently. Need to get me some super skinny size 0 brushes and some Bristol Board. And you know, actually keep up with drawing despite never being home would help.