Monday, 19 December 2011

First World Pains

My dearest, darlingest sole reader,
 My frickin laptop is dead. DEE EE DEE, DEAD!
Therefore uploding is going to be eeither incredibly few and far between or just may not happen til it returns. AWFUL! AWFUL AWFUL

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Top Ten Girls in Comics: 10

Is it a bird? Is it a pair of hot air balloons? No it's Superman's none cousin and the Super-girl from a parallel universe with much larger beasts...

For some insane reason I've decided I'm going to do my favourite ten girls from comics, from both mainstream and indie because well... I can damn it. 

I kick of this list with one of DC's largest women, Kara Zor-El a.k.a Powergirl. I like Powergirl because she's a little bit of an underdog, I mean she's got all of Superman's (and Supergirl's) powers yet gets none of the attention and from my very foggy understanding of the DC Universe, she was here before Supergirl, the skank.
So yeah, instead of being  one of the all-star heroes like she should be, she's delegated into being a joke about big boobs, for example:

She's not even in the New DC Universe yet other thank boinking that black superhero whose name alludes me at the moment, but I hope she either gets her own title again or at least becomes part of a new Justice Society, this new Universe is endangering some of the lesser heroes.

Also I believe all the top ten will be digitally done, maybe even one per day GASP!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Tuesday's with Corey

I've never watched Tuesdays with Maury because it either doesn't exist in this country or I'm too young. You decide.

So anyway this piece was kinda made as part of my People Project in the style of Mike Crozier and using white ink on cardboard. I like the branches'z

I'm currently under the influence, of the coursework troll. A fickle demon under the command of teachers deluded into thinking I only one course. Fools. Anyway I probably have about fifty pages of art and graphics to finish and twenty pages of computing by like next wednesday and I know it may be hard to believe but I'm not Madonna, there's a strong chance all this work will kill me.

Friday, 2 December 2011

It's December Already

I shall miss November, twas a good month in terms of it wasn't half as bleeding cold as December is AND I CATCH BUSES. Those things be damn cold.

Anyway, as I sit here, waiting for my PS3 to download yet another update which will affect me in no way as I don't own a PSVita I shall share with you one of my latest creations.

In a shocking twist, I have drawn something digitally that doesn't make me want to grab an ice-cream scoop and pop out my eyeballs. Imagery. So yeah, she's a winter gal, a gal of winter in a fuzzy coat and thick woolly tights.
I do dislike some of it, of course (the day I make something I'm completely happy with is a sad day indeed) so yeah, point a, the shovel, why a shovel? Because people don't lean on thin air now do they?

No. They don't.

Point b, her feet, looked perfectly reasonable in the sketch phase only to make her look more like Annie Wilkes hobbled her for trying to escape.
I am however, particularly fond of her tights, were I partial to a bit of cross-dressing I would wear tights like those and so would you. 


I do all my digi-sketching in Sketchbook Pro. Because it's a Sketchbook for Pros such as myself :D

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Hooty Hoot, Owls!

Because I seem unable to ever actually do any form of homework, I started making owls;

They're for my little sister because I'm nice (and would never allow such poorly made things to belong to myself)

Also I made a sock bunny.

I'm quite a crafty bugger when it comes down to it. Needles and threads are an easy mistress to please.
Also I have infact done some college work this week (personally I feel that having produced 80 pages of work over 12 weeks is more than enough but APPARENTLY NOT!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Witty Post Title

I fail to see why I keep trying digital stuff but whatevs bro.
I've decided I don't like the way the line work looks, I need a reyt* good brush or sly way of inking in photoshop cause there's not enough friction on my tablet for my taste. Anyway here it is, my DCUO character.

Now, I don't play games as often as I'd like to because;
A) I like to pretend I don't have time and
B) My money is better spent on comics and shoes.

BUT, DC Universe Online recently decided it would be free, and so I quickly downloaded it (and it took  like 30 hours) and am now really into it, I made like 4 heroes before I ended up with one I liked using, a Gadget powered Gal in the Tech field who uses a pole, her name however sucks: Rockette. 
But I used my good names on the previous 3 heroes who sucked.

Anyway, great game, highly recommended.


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Thought Bubble (Leeds Sequential Art Festival)

EEP! Utter utter Eep!

Okay so, today Me and the lovely Sarah journeyed to the far off land of Leeds in order to go to the Leeds Though Bubble, which I like to think of as a Northern Comic-con type ordeal. It was LOVELY!

I will begin from when I woke up, LATE and with very little time to sort all my stuff out this morning (insomnia) so, when I caught the train, just on time, I discovered I'd forgotten my camera at home (balls!) and my iPod (double balls!) so I decided I'd just have to get photos on my phone and as soon as this thought entered my brain, my phone ran out of battery! (Super-Balls!)

ANyway, I got to Leeds okay and met up with Sarah and off we flew, to The Royal Armories/ Savile Hall when the whole shebang was going down. Now I will admit, I'd never heard of Though Bubble until one of my stalkees John Allison posted somewhere that he was going to be a resident. SO, I sought him out first and my reaction was a little like...


Now here are three things I learnt about him
1. He looks younger than he is, he's not like ancient but he looks like he's in his 20's, witchcraft.
2. He's really nice, he signed and drew in both of the Bad Machinery books I bought.
3. He sells his stuff for a bargain, 2 books, a sticker and a magnet for £15, though I'm sure they should have cost £18 (by my amazing maths thats a  16& discount (wrong))

So yes, I bought the 3rd and fourth Bad Machinery books, and they're lovely, he drew in them: 

You can buy some of his stuff here! It will prevent him from starving.

After leaving John Allison's (always the hole name) table, and venturing into another building, I was shocked when I saw familiar bunny/lobster crossbreeds and it turned out that anothe victim of my online stalking Emma Evans, a.k.a T-EE was there! And I nearly died! She was under her table when I got there for some reason, but she quickly emerged and I bought a hard copy of her short comic Terry, I'm proud to say that I was the first to buy it. EEEEP!

And then I ran out of money... I was ill-prepared for so many lovely things, in particular this, which I will just have to order online. T-EE makes some really amazing pieces, and she's quite a crafty artist and makes lots of plush animals (I've personally bought an Owl which was a gift for a friend and my own Lobby!) 

There were other amazing people there, whom I did not buy from, namely Gail Simone, who is one of my favorite comic writers and responsible for me getting into mainstream comics but I had NO clue she'd be there and I would have taken one of my Batgirl or Birds of Prey books had I known, Argh! 
Anyway, I'm gonna go take some pills to calm down from all the excitement. Eeeeep!

WAIT! I FORGOT! I also bought this! 
AMY POND! Amy Pond painted onto an old vinyl disc, awesome.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


I am immensely ashamed to say that the above piece is on eighth of my first year final piece from back in May.
Now let me at least point out that an art exam for A-Level is basically 8 (or was it 6?) hours of working on one piece which wouldn't be too bad except that mine consisted of 8 2 part pictures which formed a story, basically I had 8 hours to paint 6 pictures, which sucked and I regret it deeply. As you can see the pictures are of a rather naff (northern for shit) quality.

Instead I will tell you the tale; Our heroine (no name, the piece is silent) grieves the loss of her dead girlfriend only to come face to face with Death (a lovely business woman who will make a reappearance in my up coming comic (which is totally being written NOW)).
Death offers our heroine a deal, overcome a trial in exchange for her girlfriends return, agreeing to the challenge our Heroine is swallowed up by the Earth (people often fall down holes in my stories, thank Vera Brosgol for that) and bests the nasties in the underworld with her umbrella and frees Girlfriend from her prison and they then use the umbrella to fly out of Hell.
Obviously this was an epic tale, filled with twists and turns and romancing lesbians. :) You can see a better picture of our Heroine, here.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Corey used a Phoenix Down, nerd.

Well, I just published a post from my iPod and it seems to have vanished into the ether of the internet, a mysterious land populated with emails that never reached their target, IM messages deleted before you hit enter and those proverbial 'lost texts' which you claim to have sent but everyone secretly knows you didn't.

I'm swamped with coursework at the moment to the point where I no longer seem to think I need sleep, three days and counting, I'm like a zombie basically, but less glamorous and with a more ferocious appetite for human brains. Anyway coursework means I've had very little time t do any personal work, and what I have been drawing has been turning out really awful, which of course put me in worse moods than I usually am, and I'm pretty damn grumpy. So I'm gonna fish something from the depths of my hard-drive to show you... are you ready?...

Marvel in it's awfulness, according to its properties, I drew this in May. Meaning I have no idea what inspired it or why I drew it. So I invite you to come up with you own theories as to why I drew Mr.Zombie.

Anyway, I would like to say that I AM currently working on my first ongoing comic, I have all the ideas planned out, the only thing to do now is put it down on paper (once I've decided how I'll ink the bugger, I hate inking anything)

Monday, 10 October 2011

IT STILL COUNTS! ( In America u_u )

I've missed my first postoberfest post. How SUCKY! And only ten days in! I have to admit I was doing really well up utnil that point but I'm cramming essays at the moment, I had two 2000-3000 word essays to write, which I was meant to do this weekend but instead I went to Liverpool.

Currently I only have one 2000-3000 word essay to write. Before 1pm. So I may write like 200 now and then just rush it tommorow morning. It's not even started and there's NO way I'm going to get it done really. I may as well make a solid effort. To sleep.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Postoberfest, Back I Came

Honestley, this is one of few pictures I have remaining to upload, I'm utterly shattered from Liverpool, early night.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Postoberfest, Off I Go

More Brobot for y'all, quick post as I'm setting off in like an hour and I've only just woken up, super speedy get ready/ eat breakfast? I think so :)

Friday, 7 October 2011

Brobot Necklace

I bought a tiny robot necklace today, he's kinda awesome but I had a tough choice between him and his orange brother, but let's face it, I'll have more opportunities to wear black than orange. 
 Anyway, I set him free in the house and he explored for a while until Blue-Cat started chasing him so he's hanging out with the other necklaces on the wall at the moment.

I'm off to visit Sarah tomorrow, which is exciting except I have to get three trains to her, which is three chances I'll end up on the wrong train but its like 2 hours so I might do a bit of essay writing on the way, despite the trains I'm getting being tiny ones. 

My 40th post might I add :D

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Postoberfest, Stockpiles runnin' low!

I did NOT think Postoberfest through at all! I've already posted like 3 stockpiled images and I have VERY few left over, maybe if I was actually doing work at college there'd be more to upload, but I have god darn essays to write, along with my personal statement, roughly 8000 words-ish to be collectively done by Tuesday. Four days away. Two days I'm spending in Liverpool so this will be my finest moment in my history of handing in work last minute.

The piece above? I don't full remember doing it, I can tell you that it was made in inks, that I was clearly experimenting with mark making ( I left a cup of tea on it intentionally) and I can also tell you that giving this dude gold hair was a mistake. Gold is tacky in all walks of life, and unless you're Ke$ha it should be avoided at all times.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Je Deteste Le Mecredi (I hate Wednesdays)

Among other things (amongst is not a word according to Google Chrome) Wednesdays really wind me up, I have a three hour art lesson wherein I just pretend to get work done.

Lately I've been catching myself doing things I always told my self I never would, repeating mistakes and falling into old habits which I'd thought I'd broken and I'm putting a lot of unnecessary stress on myself which makes  a good 40% more irritable, I'm heading out to see Sarah on Saturday though which should rejuvenate me. 

The picture today is sort of a self portrait, but like, not because I probably look nothing like that, in my head though I always have an angry face. Made with inks and the birds were added in Photoshop. Really can't be bothered putting too much into this post really.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Umbralla Girl

Short post due to me needing to work on my sketchbooks for College. The above piece was part of the concept ideas behind a final pice a produced for my Graphics class (which I may upload if I ever get the piece down off a wall)  and it was a short (6 picture) story of a girl who makes a deal with Death in order to get her girlfriend back from the underworld. Armed only with an umbrella.

Made with inks of course :D

Monday, 3 October 2011

POW! Postoberfest!

Today I bring thee Death, Neil Gaiman's (and maybe all of DC's) incarnation of the character. She makes a brilliant character because she's generally cheerful and a female, neither of which are normal things identified with personifications of Death. She's only my... fourth favorite of the Endless, after Delirium, Despair and Dream. I like favoritism. 

Anyway, it's drawn in charcoals which I'm sort of getting into at the moment, experimenting and whatnot. Dry media is a weakness of mine, especially stuff that's smudges. Smudges suck.


Sunday, 2 October 2011

Sunday Blues

(note the rainbow shiny hands, they've been in my scraps for a year, waiting to be used)

In all honesty, I hate Sundays. Granted I do hate a LOT of things, but Sundays are more a generally disliked thing. They're the day I waste. Saturdays can be productive. Sundays, Sundays suck.

So after reading a shitload of comics, watching Beauty and the Beast, Charlotte's Web and about 6 episodes of The Grim Adventure's of Billy and Mandy I decided I'd ink something. Originally I was making Katy Perry fan-art, but I will save all Katy Perry related shenanigans until Halloween. So, all done in ink except the lips which are plain ol' acrylic paints (I loathe acrylic paint, it reminds me of being a six year old) but of course, being the left handed buffoon (real word) I blobbed some red on her cheek, hence the lightning shaped markings which made me think whoever the girl is is dramatic, so I started giving her really thick eye-liner marking without waiting fr the ink underneath to dry. Major bleeding occurred so I just made her a shadowy domino mask type thing and flecked white ink into it. 

If something is mess, fleck it. It makes it look deliberate. 

Also, this is my third consecutive day posting something on here, I now officially declare this month to be: 
Postoberfest 2011.

That's right, hold onto your hats and all other loose accessories, I will be posting something EVERYDAY this month. Sheer madness. Also beware as I'm invading Sarah's uni on the 8th and I'm not 100% sure how I will post from Liverpool. Perhaps if I post the morning before I leave and the night I come back, we'll see.


Saturday, 1 October 2011

Open Days and Valerie Kyle

Sophie took me to an open day at Staffordshire Uni today it was lovely, I looked into a course based on comics, which is kinda cool and although I know that one day I DO want to write and draw my own comics, I'm not entirely sure I'd want to do such a focused course at this time, especially when there's SO much else that I'm capable of and Illustration in theory could better prepare me for more variable work, WHO KNOWS, it must be mulled over.

Anyway moving onto the piece above, for my personal project in my Graphics class I'm focusing on comics (after what I've just posted above it may make hypocritical but you know, shut up.) and I've been messing around with ideas for narratives and the likes and some how I mentally gave birth to Valerie Kyle, an angel who's been given the chance at a second life, if she can devour the pure heart of a human. It's supposed to be a narrative that deals with morally grey areas such as;

'Is it right to do the wrong things for the right reasons?'

It's an aspect of narrative I always find fascinating and identify with personally and made this quick little sketch  of Valerie who is protantagonist of the piece, in the story itself she doesn't wear a big feathery dress but I like me some symbolism.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Neil Gaiman's Delirium

So this week I read the Brief Lives volume of the Sandman comics and it is the perfect example of how comics can be so much more than super-heroes and they can make you think and feel just as much as any regular book.  

I'm officially in love with Neil Gaiman.  

He's cropped up quite a lot over the years in stuff I've seen and (later) read such as Coraline and Stardust, and an episode in this series of Doctor Who (The Doctor's Wife) which was one of my favourites.

So anyway, Brief Lives. Easily the best volume (I've read) so far, other's could just as easily take over it but whatever. Delirium is a lovely, chaotic change from Dream, where he always knows exactly what to do and where to go, she appears more or less unable to sort herself out. The piece above is inspired by the scene in her hotel room when she "simply lets herself go" and her head looks like her mind is screaming  and its just lovely.

 I've tried making her look a little more modern ( The Endless are supposed to look how we think they appear and therefore should reflect the times a little more) so I made her wander through a charity-shop and pick out bright things that would grab her attention. I originally coloured this with ball-point pens which is why it looks extra sketchy, I then made the colours brighter in Photoshop (I hate how scanners make everything so pale!) I'm not entirely sure why she's falling apart, probably something strange like she created ice-cream that tasted like porcelain cats.  

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

So Tired

I win points if I manage to keep this short. Man Points. 

So basically, today I have endured an epic 3 hour day withing the world of education and it's mega-drained all my energy. I spent the time sketching skeletal hands and scanning pages from comics (for analyzing) and the college scanner was unbearably slow. I think it took me nearly an hour to scan 25 pieces. And doodle a Zombie. 

That was a hella short post! 

...Oh wait I should explain the above image... damn. well it was a inked version of something I sketched in Sketchbook Pro (the hobo's Photoshop) a while ago: 

Which was gonna be a little group shot with everyone having kick ass powers based on what we did in college, so like I had my pen and ink, Lauren was being Drama-ish and Sarah had special Math based mojo.
Anyway, I changed it in the traditional version as I wanted to experiment with circular frames and people were going to be in the circle but I'm lazy and replaced them with purple monsters.

Less short but still short!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Sketchbook Sunday: Sarah in Fabric

Look at me, posting so much within a single week, surely a sign of worlds collapsing. So having forgotten about all my old weekly shenanigans ( Music Monday, Fan-Art Friday) I've decided to start on more general topics, so every Sunday I'm going to post something from one of my sketchbooks whether it's a personal one or one used for college work, a seemingly easy task due to getting through so many of them.

This week I bring you something from my Fine Art book, a portrait of the lovely Sarah (I'm going to stop using her and Sophie as subjects, I simply draw them far too much.) She scarpered off to Uni last week so in order to make up for her lack of tangible presence I've taken to drawing her face, so I'm going to go visit her soon, perhaps using her DNA to create a 'lack-of-Sarah-patch'.

    Moving on, the piece was done on a piece of scrap fabric I found in the store cupboard, it was a perfect little square of cloth that someone had tried to dye yellow and completely missed the corners which made it look lovely and like it needed something drawn into it. The drawing itself was done with a thick black multi-liner and then I used a white gel-pen to add some details such as freckles and hair.

I enjoy working on scraps and there's so much scrap pieces at College, that I generate a decent amount of stuff to work on every week by looting scraps from the guillotine used to cut large paper. I once found around 20 strips of really thick black card just about half the width of a5 paper ( I used them to make the Sophie comics ) and I have some of the paper they've been using to dry dyed fabrics that I have plans for. 
This it all for this post, every time I start one I think "Keep it short, Corey. No one's reading all this madness" yet here I am, writing on and on and one. 

Friday, 23 September 2011

30 Posts and a New Layout

So, once again I am determined to update more frequently and due to my severely diminished social life this should be an easy enough accomplishment. So here it is, my 30th post (do-do-DO!) I should really be on double that number by now, I've had this blog quite a few months really. ( I will update, I will update!)

Onto the new layout, I've swapped the polka-dots for some high-res inky paper texture I have in a big ol' folder of textures, who knows where it originates from. I also traded in the greens for reds, I'm into reds at the moment, like washed out faded reds. There's the banner too, I chose to recycle my old Gaga portrait despite not liking her that much anymore but I have yet to come up with a piece specifically for the purpose of being a banner and my portraits were in red and blue. I moved my 'gadgets' to the side to, proudly displaying my 5 followers and inviting you to follow me through email, which let's face it is just plain classy.

Now for the picture above, I'm not entirely aware of when I made it, it was in a folder full of things I've made from when I decided to try and organize myself. I forgot about the folder a few days later but it has some stuff I can upload between other pieces. I'm pretty sure I was experimenting with blue and I'm pretty sure I regretted adding those butterflies to the piece but I can handle the tackiness. I may start uploading college work soon, I've been making some portraits with sewing machines which are kinda cool. 

That's all for today, my blog posts are too long.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Shamelessly stealing memes

A. Age: 18
B. Bed size: Double, though I am single I like to spread out.

C. Chore that you hate: All of them, but of all the things I hate doing dusting is the most disturbing to me.
D. Dogs: Are lovely I own 2, a Toy Spaniel named Pepsi and a Furball named Judy
E. Essential start to your day: Rolling into the shower and listening to loud music
F. Favorite color: I don't believe in having favorite colours, reds and blues are always lovely but I can't stand yellow, its ugly.
G. Gold or Silver: Gold if you want to be ironically tacky; see Ke$ha and silver for everything else.
H. Height: 5’11"
I. Instruments you play: The iPod.
J. Job title: Layabout.
K. Kids: Are vile things of which I was never one of
L. Live: Burnley, England. Where time stands still.
M. Mother’s name: Jacqueline, I hate the way its spelt
N. Nicknames: None. I don't think I'd allow it. I also won't allow anyone else to have my name.
O. Overnight hospital stays: Hmmm one if I count the time I woke up in a hospital at night
P. Pet peeves: People in general
Q. Quote from a movie: “You haven't seen the last of me" - Cher - Burlesque
R. Right or left handed: Left for drawing right for anything else, because I'm awkward
S. Siblings: Three, an older sister and two annoying little brats
U. Underwear: I wear it :D
V. Vegetable you hate: Broccoli.

W. What makes you run late: Genetics u_u
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth, those crazy things get X-Rayed all the time
Y. Yummy food that you make: My specialty is Mac and Cheese
Z. Zoo animal: All of them, I enjoy watching them do crazy shit

AND NOW..... A picture of me! GASP!

I visited the Lowry in Salford on... Monday! Where I saw some lovely pieces by L.S Lowry and Andy Warhol including his print of Debbie Harry that was bigger than me which was amazing, I went with Sophie who is going to make some sock animals with me soon. They shall be posted on here for sure.

Marilyn Monroe print, easily the most iconic piece of art in my opinion.

Not the Debbie Harry print I was on about but still it's her!

A wall that had some Warhol in fright wig prints on them.

And then Sophie and I found magnets for children and spelt out our names.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Things have changed since I last posted

              Mainly they haven't changed alot but whatever. I've started college again, finally onto my last year, I'm not sure if this has been previously mentioned on here but I have succesfully been removed from the Art course twice. I'm nothing if not stubborn but it really and truly wasn't entirely my fault. The second time at least anyway.

   I can now drive around corners, which is good as it means I won't always have to move in straight lines. I think I'm a brilliant driver personally but my instructor claims I am 'over-cautious' and to be honest I'm terrified of driving.

  What else... I think officially everyone who was going to uni has now gone, and they were some pretty amazing people. They shall all get visits at some point. Sarah and I are going to see Katy Perry on halloween so I suppose I HAVE to see her again. What a shame!

 So the picture at the top of the blog was made for my sister who also started uni this week after travelling around for two years and she needed something to put on her wall to make it more interesting and was done in about an hour in inks. I like the America-flag in the background. She also STOLE my Union Jack cushion so I need to remember to get that back.

 You can see some more of my wall in the picture namely they eyes of Anya from Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol, one of my all time favorite people to stalk on the internet. A star-man tin from Mario, for emergency invincibility and an apple I made from fabric and wire for art last year.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Bit of Fan Art

Quick photoshop drawing, I haven't drawn in like a week, and I haven't drawn in photoshop for like a month so I blame the quality on that and not the fact that I genuinley can't draw with photoshop or even like using it but it's quicker than inks, either way here it is;

Harley Quinn from the DC Universe, my favorite villain next to Catman (maybe) I was aiming to not use outlines for no reason, and minimal shading due to laziness (only an hour overall, including sketching her out) although I must have started a thousand Harley drawings I never finish them because she never looks right.
Also the DC Universe is rebooting or whatever in two days, so I feel the urge to give it fan arting.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The Dream

   A truly strange dream, in where trees were telling me where to go. The trees lead me to Sophie (as a plant who warned me to go no further) and eventually to Sarah, who wanted marmite. I don't like marmite and therefore had none with me so Sarah turned me into a plant.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Again with the Neglect!

Okay I haven't been uploading my daily drawings for this 30 day art challenge so I will almost definitely post the like 5 I am behind today at some point, between tidying up and generally laying n the floor

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Day four; Your Fave Outfit

WHAT A STUPID THEME! If anyone has a favorite outfit I suggest they immediately stop playing favorites with their clothing. I have a favorite pair of shoes. A favorite shirt. favorite jeans etc etc. But when you combine them its not a good mix.
That made me sound like a psycho hipster. Never mind, I shall instead of rambling, share with you my favorite shoes (as of today):

                                                                My America Shoes:

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

30 Day Art Challenges Days 2 & 3 COMBO Meal

So I didn't post yesterdays picture which was themed under 'Someone You Like' which is an incredibly broad term and one that I disagree with as I have a general dislike of a majority of the world. Now admittedly there are people I do like just not many and day 3's theme is 'One or A group Of your friends.

And who doesn't like their friends? I mean really so I have combined the two days because I can. It's not your challenge.

                                Today's picture is;

 PEOPLE! Some of my favorite people I may add. But not ALL of my favorite people, and due to the fact I've bat-manned them all I couldn't think of any extra Bat-Specific characters other than Nightwing and meh, his outfit is boring.
 So from Left to right we have; Sophie as BatGirl doing a star jump. She has many problems including travelling whilst doing a star jump.
Sarah as Robin. Sarah is mentioned alot in this blog. How dare she.
ME! As Bat-Man (Naturally)
Lauren as Batwoman, I never understood why there is both a Batgirl and a Batwoman. But the new Batwoman is a lesbian.
And lastly is Carla as The Question (mainly because The Question and Batwoman are lesbians together so it makes sense)

Monday, 1 August 2011

Corey Turner and the Neglected Blog, Also A CHALLENGE

 So let's be honest, I haven't exactly managed to keep this thing updated but OH WELL! I am hereby taking on the 30 Day Art Challenge, not sure who started it, don't care really what matters is I have to do 30 pictures, one every day until August 30th. Today's theme is, Self:

                                                                            Corey Turner

    So I did this after watching the Dark Knight earlier so I was all Batman mood-ish so I drew myself in a sort of home made Bat Suit type thing, there were a few preliminary sketches that were very different stylewise, quite alot of jumping on rooftops etc and even one featuring the lovely Sarah (mentioned elsewhere in Ink&Love) as a Robin type character. So this is me, myself, drawn digitally, huzzah.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

A Car Journey of Biblical Proportions

Hello  Blogland, haven't posted in a while but soh well, blogging from Minehead today which is near Wales (I can see it from the beach) and it took 6(ish) hours to drive down here with the beautiful Sarah. On the car journey we drew you all some lovely pictures. The favourite was the first one.