Look at me, posting so much within a single week, surely a sign of worlds collapsing. So having forgotten about all my old weekly shenanigans ( Music Monday, Fan-Art Friday) I've decided to start on more general topics, so every Sunday I'm going to post something from one of my sketchbooks whether it's a personal one or one used for college work, a seemingly easy task due to getting through so many of them.
This week I bring you something from my Fine Art book, a portrait of the lovely Sarah (I'm going to stop using her and Sophie as subjects, I simply draw them far too much.) She scarpered off to Uni last week so in order to make up for her lack of tangible presence I've taken to drawing her face, so I'm going to go visit her soon, perhaps using her DNA to create a 'lack-of-Sarah-patch'.
Moving on, the piece was done on a piece of scrap fabric I found in the store cupboard, it was a perfect little square of cloth that someone had tried to dye yellow and completely missed the corners which made it look lovely and like it needed something drawn into it. The drawing itself was done with a thick black multi-liner and then I used a white gel-pen to add some details such as freckles and hair.
I enjoy working on scraps and there's so much scrap pieces at College, that I generate a decent amount of stuff to work on every week by looting scraps from the guillotine used to cut large paper. I once found around 20 strips of really thick black card just about half the width of a5 paper ( I used them to make the Sophie comics ) and I have some of the paper they've been using to dry dyed fabrics that I have plans for.
This it all for this post, every time I start one I think "Keep it short, Corey. No one's reading all this madness" yet here I am, writing on and on and one.
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