Tuesday, 27 September 2011

So Tired

I win points if I manage to keep this short. Man Points. 

So basically, today I have endured an epic 3 hour day withing the world of education and it's mega-drained all my energy. I spent the time sketching skeletal hands and scanning pages from comics (for analyzing) and the college scanner was unbearably slow. I think it took me nearly an hour to scan 25 pieces. And doodle a Zombie. 

That was a hella short post! 

...Oh wait I should explain the above image... damn. well it was a inked version of something I sketched in Sketchbook Pro (the hobo's Photoshop) a while ago: 

Which was gonna be a little group shot with everyone having kick ass powers based on what we did in college, so like I had my pen and ink, Lauren was being Drama-ish and Sarah had special Math based mojo.
Anyway, I changed it in the traditional version as I wanted to experiment with circular frames and people were going to be in the circle but I'm lazy and replaced them with purple monsters.

Less short but still short!

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